structuur van abdominaal segment van dwarsdoorsnede van romp (lichaamsstructuur) | | structuur van abdominaal segment van dwarsdoorsnede van romp | | abdominaal segment van dwarsdoorsnede van romp buikgedeelte van dwarsdoorsnede van romp
| | Cross-sectional abdomen | | Structure of abdominal cross-sectional segment of trunk Cross-sectional segment of abdomen
| | This cross-sectional segment is bounded superiorly by a virtual horizontal plane at the level of the junction between T8 and T9 (and thus also includes part of the thoracic volume below this level); and inferiorly by a virtual horizontal plane at the level of the plane traversing the superior boundary of the iliac crest. The volume includes the entire transverse thickness of the body over the longitudinal extent between the superior (upper) and inferior (lower) boundaries including the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The segment relates to the cross-sectional or projectional volume as perceived by transmissive or emissive imaging. |
| Id | 818981001 | Status | Primitive |
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