2q.33.1-microdeletiesyndroom (aandoening)
2q33.1 microdeletion syndrome
Monosomy 2q33.1
A rare chromosomal anomaly syndrome, resulting from the partial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 2, with a highly variable phenotype typically characterized by severe intellectual disability, moderate to severe developmental delay (particularly speech), feeding difficulties, failure to thrive, hypotonia, thin, sparse hair, various dental abnormalities and cleft/high-arched palate. Typical dysmorphic features include high, prominent forehead, down-slanting palpebral fissures and prominent nasal bridge with beaked nose. Various behavioral problems (e.g. hyperactivity, chaotic/repetitive behavior, touch avoidance) are also associated.
Associated morphologypartiƫle monosomie
Finding sitechromosomenpaar 2
Pathological processproces van pathologische ontwikkeling
SNOMED CT to Orphanet simple map251028
SNOMED CT to ICD-10 extended map
AdviceALWAYS Q93.5
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified