grootte van tumor
Depth of direct invasion by neoplasm (observable entity)
Depth of direct invasion by neoplasm
Depth of invasion by tumor
Tumor depth of invasion
directe lokale invasie
Inheres in
Time aspect
Single point in time
Depth of direct invasion by primary malignant neoplasm of extrahepatic bile duct from basement membrane of extrahepatic bile duct into wall of extrahepatic bile duct
Depth of direct invasion by primary malignant neoplasm of penis
Depth of direct invasion by primary malignant neoplasm of vulva
Depth of direct invasion into endometrial stroma by primary malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri
Depth of direct invasion into myometrium by primary malignant neoplasm of uterus
Depth of invasion of malignant neoplasm into pedunculated colorectal polyp in polypectomy specimen using Haggitt classification system
Depth of invasion of malignant neoplasm into sessile colorectal polyp in polypectomy specimen using Kikuchi classification system
Depth of myometrial invasion by tumor
diepte van directe invasie van neoplasma in submucosa