transapicale transkatheterimplantatie van biologische mitralisklepprothese in ring voor mitralisannuloplastiek onder geleide van röntgendoorlichting en transoesofageale echocardiografie (verrichting)
transapicale transkatheterimplantatie van biologische mitralisklepprothese in ring voor mitralisannuloplastiek onder geleide van röntgendoorlichting en transoesofageale echocardiografie
transapicale transkatheterimplantatie van valva mitralis vervaardigd van weefseltransplantaat in mitralisannuloplastiekring onder geleide van slokdarmecho en doorlichting
Transapical transcatheter implantation of bioprosthetic mitral valve prosthesis into mitral annuloplasty ring using fluoroscopic and transesophageal echocardiographic guidance
Transapical transcatheter mitral valve-in-ring implantation using fluoroscopic and transesophageal echocardiographic guidance
A surgical procedure where a catheter is passed through a cut in the chest wall and then through the heart wall (transapical) and positioned across the leaking mitral valve. A bioprosthetic mitral valve is then passed through the tube (transcatheter) and placed within the existing surgically implanted mitral valve ring. The aim is to treat the leaking mitral valve without needing to repeat open-heart surgery.