sequentiële anastomose van vrije arteria thoracica interna dextra tussen arteria thoracica interna sinistra en ramus intermedius en tweede ramus marginalis rami circumflexi van linker coronairarterie (verrichting)
sequentiële anastomose van vrije arteria thoracica interna dextra tussen arteria thoracica interna sinistra en ramus intermedius en tweede ramus marginalis rami circumflexi van linker coronairarterie
aanleggen van sequentiële anastomose van vrij transplantaat van rechter arteria mammaria interna tussen linker arteria mammaria interna en intermediaire tak en tweede ramus circumflexus van arteria coronaria sinistra
aanleggen van sequentiële anastomose van vrij transplantaat van RIMA tussen LIMA en RIM en RCX2 van LCA
Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to intermediate artery and second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery
Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to ramus intermedius artery and second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery
Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to intermediate artery and second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery
Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to ramus intermedius artery and second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery