'coronary artery bypass grafting' met vrij transplantaat van rechter arteria thoracica interna van linker arteria thoracica interna naar ramus atrialis intermedius arteriae coronariae sinistrae (verrichting) |
| 'coronary artery bypass grafting' met vrij transplantaat van rechter arteria thoracica interna van linker arteria thoracica interna naar ramus atrialis intermedius arteriae coronariae sinistrae |
| CABG met vrije RIMA-graft van LIMA naar intermediaire atriale tak van linker coronairarterie 'coronary artery bypass grafting' van linker arteria mammaria interna naar intermediaire atriale tak van linker coronairarterie met vrij transplantaat van rechter arteria mammaria interna
| Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from left internal thoracic artery to intermediate artery |
| Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from left internal thoracic artery to ramus intermedius artery Anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to ramus intermedius artery Anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to RI (ramus intermedius) artery