osteoplastiek van os tarsi of os metatarsi (verrichting) DEPRECATED
osteoplastiek van os tarsi of os metatarsi
botplastiek van voetwortelbeen of middenvoetsbeen
operatief herstel van tarsaal bot of metatarsaal bot
osteoplastiek van os tarsale of os metatarsale
Osteoplasty of tarsal or metatarsal
Repair or plastic operation of tarsals and metatarsals
Concept inactivation indicator reference set900000000000484002 | ambigu component | (2023-02-28)
POSSIBLY EQUIVALENT TO association reference set
1263472001 | osteoplastiek van tarsus | (2023-02-28)
1263473006 | osteoplastiek van metatarsus | (2023-02-28)