mechanische bicuspide aortaklepprothese met aortaprothese van biologisch polymeer (fysiek object) |
| mechanische bicuspide aortaklepprothese met aortaprothese van biologisch polymeer |
| mechanische tweeslippige aortaklepprothese met aortaprothese van biopolymeer mechanische bicuspidale aortakunstklep met aortagraft van bio-polymeer mechanische bicuspide aortaklepprothese met aortaprothese van biopolymeer
| Aortic bi-leaflet mechanical valve prosthesis with biologic-polymer aorta graft |
| Aortic bi-cusp mechanical valve prosthesis with biologic-polymer aorta graft Aortic bi-leaflet mechanical heart valve prosthesis with biologic-polymer aorta graft Aortic bi-leaflet mechanical cardiac valve prosthesis with biologic-polymer aorta graft