Clinical document
Photographic image record (record artifact)
Photographic image record
Close up photographic view of teeth with no set magnification or distance
Mirrored photographic image of teeth corrected flipped horizontally
Mirrored photographic image of teeth corrected flipped vertically
Mirrored photographic image of teeth corrected flipped vertically and horizontally
Mirrored visible image uncorrected
Photographic extraoral image of full face with full smile and jaws in centric relation
Photographic extraoral image of full face with full smile and teeth in centric occlusion
Photographic extraoral image of inferior view of face
Photographic extraoral image of left half of face with full smile and jaws in centric relation
Photographic extraoral image of left half of face with full smile and teeth in centric occlusion
Photographic extraoral image of right half of face with full smile and jaws in centric relation
Photographic extraoral image of right half of face with full smile and teeth in centric occlusion
Photographic image corrected intraoral mirrored visible record
Photographic image extraoral with 45 degree view
Photographic image extraoral with mandible postured forward
Photographic image of anterior teeth
Photographic image of face with lips in relaxed position
Photographic image with lips closed
Photographic image with mouth partially opened position and teeth apart