syndroom van autisme en faciale naevus flammeus (aandoening) DEPRECATED
syndroom van autisme en faciale naevus flammeus
syndroom van autisme en wijnvlek in aangezicht
Autism and facial port-wine stain syndrome
Syndrome marked by the presence of a unilateral angioma on the face and autistic developmental problems with characteristics of language delay and atypical social interactions. So far, the syndrome has been described in four children.
Concept inactivation indicator reference set900000000000483008 | obsoleet component | (2023-07-31)
REPLACED BY association reference set19886006 | Sturge-Weber-syndroom | (2023-07-31)
DHD Diagnosis thesaurus reference set
RIVM authorized national diagnosis thesaurus to ICD10 complex mapping reference set
TermVroegkinderlijk autisme
TermCongenitale niet-neoplastische naevus