agenesie van arteria carotis interna (aandoening)
agenesie van arteria carotis interna
aangeboren afwezigheid van arteria carotis interna
agenesie van ICA
congenitale afwezigheid van arteria carotis interna
agenesie van ACI
Agenesis of internal carotid artery
Internal carotid artery agenesis
A developmental defect that may be asymptomatic or lead to cerebrovascular lesions. It is a rare malformation, with only around hundred cases reported in the literature. When symptoms are present, they are caused by cerebrovascular insufficiency, compression of the brain by vessels that dilate to compensate for the absence of the internal carotid artery, or the presence of an aneurysm. Associated intracranial aneurysms occur in 25 to 35% of patients.
Associated morphologyagenesie
Finding sitegehele arteria carotis interna
Pathological processproces van pathologische ontwikkeling
DHD Diagnosis thesaurus reference set
RIVM authorized national diagnosis thesaurus to ICD10 complex mapping reference set
TermOverige misvormingen van precerebrale vaten
SNOMED CT to Orphanet simple map981
SNOMED CT to ICD-10 extended map
AdviceALWAYS Q28.1
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified