syndroom van hypoplasie van corpus callosum, verstandelijke beperking, geadduceerde digiti I, spasticiteit en hydrocefalie (aandoening) | | syndroom van hypoplasie van corpus callosum, verstandelijke beperking, geadduceerde digiti I, spasticiteit en hydrocefalie | | syndroom van hypoplasie van corpus callosum, verstandelijke handicap, geadduceerde duimen, spasticiteit en hydrocefalie syndroom van hypoplasie van corpus callosum, verstandelijke beperking, geadduceerde duimen, spasticiteit en hydrocefalie CRASH-syndroom L1-syndroom L1CAM-syndroom syndroom van hypoplasie van corpus callosum, mentale retardatie, geadduceerde duimen, spasticiteit en hydrocefalie
| | L1 syndrome | | Hypoplasia of corpus callosum, intellectual disability, adducted thumbs, spasticity, hydrocephalus syndrome CRASH syndrome Hypoplasia of corpus callosum and mental retardation with adducted thumbs and spasticity and hydrocephalus syndrome
| | A rare, congenital X-linked developmental disorder characterized by hydrocephalus of varying degrees of severity, intellectual deficit, spasticity of the legs, and adducted thumbs. The syndrome represents a spectrum of disorders including: X-linked hydrocephalus with stenosis of the aqueduct of Sylvius (HSAS), MASA syndrome, X-linked complicated hereditary spastic paraplegia type 1, and X-linked complicated corpus callosum agenesis. |
| Id | 716996008 | Status | Primitive |
DHD Diagnosis thesaurus reference set |
RIVM authorized national diagnosis thesaurus to ICD10 complex mapping reference set | Target | Q04.8 | Term | Overige gespecificeerde congenitale misvormingen van hersenen |
SNOMED CT to Orphanet simple map | 275543 |
SNOMED CT to ICD-10 extended map | Target | Q04.8 | Rule | TRUE | Advice | ALWAYS Q04.8 | Correlation | SNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified |