retinale dystrofie van Bothnia (aandoening)
retinale dystrofie van Bothnia
Bothnia retinal dystrophy
Vasterbotten dystrophy
Bothnia retinal dystrophy is a rare form of retinal dystrophy, seen mostly in Northern Sweden, presenting in early childhood with night blindness and progressive maculopathy with a decrease in visual acuity, eventually leading to blindness by adulthood. Retinal degeneration, without obvious bone spicule formation, accompanied by affected visual fields and the typical presence of retinitis punctata albescens in the posterior pole are also noted.
Associated morphologydystrofie
Finding sitestructuur van retina
DHD Diagnosis thesaurus reference set
RIVM authorized national diagnosis thesaurus to ICD10 complex mapping reference set
TermHereditaire retinadystrofie
SNOMED CT to Orphanet simple map85128
SNOMED CT to ICD-10 extended map
AdviceALWAYS H35.5
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified