autosomaal recessief syndroom van distale osteolyse (aandoening) | | autosomaal recessief syndroom van distale osteolyse | | syndroom van distale osteolyse, kleine gestalte en verstandelijke beperking syndroom van Petit-Fryns syndroom van distale osteolyse, kleine gestalte en verstandelijke handicap syndroom van distale osteolyse, kleine gestalte en mentale retardatie
| | Autosomal recessive distal osteolysis syndrome | | Petit Fryns syndrome Distal osteolysis, short stature and intellectual disability
| | An early-onset distal osteolysis characterized by severe resorption of the hands and feet and absence of the distal and middle phalanges. It has been described in a son and daughter born to consanguineous parents. Other manifestations include distal muscular hypertrophy, flexion contractures, short stature, mild intellectual deficit and characteristic facies (maxillary hypoplasia, exophthalmos, and a broad nasal tip). It is transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait. |
| Id | 715487005 | Status | Primitive |
DHD Diagnosis thesaurus reference set |
RIVM authorized national diagnosis thesaurus to ICD10 complex mapping reference set | Target | Q87.5 | Term | Overige congenitale gestoorde-ontwikkelingssyndromen met overige skeletveranderingen |
SNOMED CT to Orphanet simple map | 2776 |
SNOMED CT to ICD-10 extended map | Target | G11.4 | Rule | TRUE | Advice | ALWAYS G11.4 | POSSIBLE REQUIREMENT FOR ADDITIONAL CODE TO FULLY DESCRIBE DISEASE OR CONDITION | Correlation | SNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified |