computertomoangiografie van arterie van onderste extremiteit met contrast (verrichting)
CT-angiografie van arterie van onderste extremiteit met contrast
CTA van arterie van onderste ledemaat
computertomoangiografie van arterie van onderste extremiteit met contrast
CTA van arterie van been
CT angiography of lower limb artery with contrast
Computed tomography angiography of artery of lower limb with contrast
Computed tomography arteriography of artery of lower limb with contrast
CT arteriography of lower limb artery with contrast
Computed tomography angiography of artery of lower extremity with contrast
CT arteriography of artery of lower extremity with contrast
CT angiography of lower extremity artery with contrast
CT arteriogram of lower limb artery with contrast
Computed tomography arteriography of artery of lower extremity with contrast