Proliferative mass observable
Neoplasm observable (observable entity)
Neoplasm observable
Tumor observable
'human epidermal growth factor receptor 2'-immunohistochemie score
'Prostate Imaging-Reporting and Data System'-score
'Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors'-score
aantal lymfeklieren aangedaan door maligne neoplasma
aantal tumoren
Aanwezigheid van regressie van primair maligne neoplasma na neoadjuvante behandeling
aanwezigheid van serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf in maligne neoplasma met immunohistochemie
Additional pathologic finding in tumor specimen
afstand van neoplasma tot anale transitiezone
afstand van neoplasma tot anorectale junctie
afstand van neoplasma tot distaal snijvlak in preparaat verkregen door excisie
afstand van neoplasma tot mesorectale fascie
afstand van neoplasma tot proximaal snijvlak in preparaat verkregen door excisie
afstand van tumor tot 'purse-string'-hechting
afstand van tumor tot tepel
Allred score for neoplasm
Anatomic location of neoplasm
anatomische locatie van directe invasie door goed gedifferentieerde neuro-endocriene tumor
Average intensity of positive staining neoplastic cells
bepaling van DNA mismatch repair eiwit in maligne neoplasma met immunohistochemie
Clockface position of neoplasm
Degree of pigmentation of tumor
Detection of neoplasm in blood
Detection of neoplasm in body fluid
diameter van primaire tumor
dichtsbijzijnde afstand van neoplasma tot snijvlak van aangrenzende organen in specimen verkregen door resectie
diepte van directe invasie door primair maligne neoplasma van mesoappendix
Distance from anterior edge of tumor to limbus of cornea at cut edge, after sectioning
Distance of anterior margin of tumor base from limbus of cornea at cut edge, after sectioning
Distance of posterior margin of tumor base from edge of optic disc, after sectioning
Dukes stage
Edition of American Joint Committee on Cancer TNM staging system manual
FIGO stage for gynecological malignancy
Functional status of pancreatic endocrine tumor
Generic tumor extent
grootte van tumor
H-score van maligne neoplastische cellen
histologisch kenmerk van neoplasma
Intergroup rhabdomyosarcoma study post-surgical clinical group
International neuroblastoma pathology classification
Intraoperative presence of metastasis in sentinel lymph node by one-step nucleic acid amplification
Laterality of primary malignant neoplasm of oral soft tissue
Laterality of primary malignant neoplasm of pharynx
lengte van tumor
Length of largest lymph node with metastatic neoplasm in excised specimen
lineaire uitbreiding van carcinoom
locatie van aangedane lymfeklier
Location of malignant melanoma in specimen with involved deep margin
Location of malignant melanoma in specimen with uninvolved lateral margin
Location of melanoma in situ in specimen with uninvolved lateral margin
Location of tumor in relation to closest lateral margin
Location of tumor within eye
Location of tumor within lateral margin
Lymphoma extent of involvement
mate van invasie van tumor
Mitotic-karyorrhectic index
Modified Dukes stage
National Wilms Tumor Study Group Stage
Neoplasm weight
Nottingham mitotic count in primary malignant neoplasm of breast
Number fraction of estrogen receptors in neoplasm using immune stain
Number fraction of progesterone receptors in neoplasm using immune stain
Number of metastatic discontinuous tumor deposits of primary malignant neoplasm of appendix
Number of metastatic discontinuous tumor deposits of primary malignant neoplasm of colorectum
Number of positive prostatic tissue chips obtained by resection
Number of tissue chips positive for carcinoma
Number of tumor buds in primary malignant neoplasm of colorectum in microscopic field 0.785 square millimeter
Number of tumor nodules
Organ AND/OR tissue involved by tumor
Pathologic stage
Percent of cell nuclei positive for proliferation marker protein Ki-67 in primary malignant neoplasm by immunohistochemistry
Percent of cells with estrogen receptor in primary malignant neoplasm of breast by immunohistochemistry
Percent of cells with progesterone receptor in primary malignant neoplasm of breast by immunohistochemistry
Percent of neoplasm in primary malignant mixed germ cell tumor of testis
Percent thickness of myometrial wall directly invaded by adenosarcoma in uterus specimen
Percent viable malignant neoplasm after neoadjuvant antineoplastic therapy
percentage celkernen positief voor antigeen MIB-1 in primair maligne neoplasma volgens immunohistochemie
percentage celkernen positief voor chromogranine-antigeen in primair maligne neoplasma volgens immunohistochemie
percentage celkernen positief voor insulinoma-associated protein 1 in primair maligne neoplasma volgens immunohistochemie
percentage celkernen positief voor p16 antigeen in primair maligne neoplasma volgens immunohistochemie
percentage celkernen positief voor synaptophysine-antigeen in primair maligne neoplasma volgens immunohistochemie
Percentage of carcinoma in situ in neoplasm
Percentage of immature teratoma involved by immature elements
Percentage of neoplasm involved by necrosis
Percentage of primary malignant neoplasm of prostate in resected prostate specimen
Percentage of primary malignant neoplasm of prostate with Gleason histologic pattern 4
Percentage of sarcomatoid element in tumor
Percentage span of neoplasm consisting of epithelium
Percentage span of neoplasm consisting of stroma
percentage van positieve aankleuring van maligne neoplastische cellen met immunohistochemie
peritoneal cancer index
Presence of ALK tyrosine kinase receptor in primary malignant neoplasm of lung by immunohistochemistry
Presence of anaplasia in malignant neoplasm
Presence of anoctamin-1 in primary gastrointestinal stromal sarcoma by immunohistochemistry
Presence of DNA mismatch repair protein Mlh1 in primary malignant neoplasm of colorectum by immunohistochemistry
Presence of DNA mismatch repair protein Mlh1 in primary malignant neoplasm of endometrium by immunohistochemistry
Presence of DNA mismatch repair protein Mlh1 in primary malignant neoplasm of lung by immunohistochemistry
Presence of DNA mismatch repair protein Msh2 in primary malignant neoplasm of colorectum by immunohistochemistry
Presence of DNA mismatch repair protein Msh2 in primary malignant neoplasm of endometrium by immunohistochemistry
Presence of DNA mismatch repair protein Msh2 in primary malignant neoplasm of lung by immunohistochemistry
Presence of DNA mismatch repair protein Msh6 in primary malignant neoplasm of colorectum by immunohistochemistry
Presence of DNA mismatch repair protein Msh6 in primary malignant neoplasm of endometrium by immunohistochemistry
Presence of DNA mismatch repair protein Msh6 in primary malignant neoplasm of lung by immunohistochemistry
Presence of ductal carcinoma in situ in epidermis of nipple
Presence of ductal carcinoma in situ in excised breast specimen
Presence of estrogen receptor in neoplasm
Presence of hepatoblastoma in serous capsule of liver in excised specimen
Presence of implants of primary malignant neoplasm of uterine adnexa
Presence of invasive ductal carcinoma with extensive intraductal carcinoma in excised breast specimen
Presence of lobular carcinoma in situ in excised breast specimen
Presence of macroscopic perforation of colorectum by primary malignant neoplasm of colorectum
Presence of mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit in primary gastrointestinal stromal sarcoma by immunohistochemistry
Presence of metastasis in sentinel lymph node using touch imprint cytology during surgical procedure
Presence of metastatic discontinuous spread of primary malignant neoplasm
Presence of metastatic neoplasm in lymph node in excised tissue specimen
Presence of metastatic neoplasm in non-regional lymph node
Presence of metastatic neoplasm in regional lymph node
Presence of microsatellite of malignant melanoma
Presence of mismatch repair endonuclease PMS2 in primary malignant neoplasm of colorectum by immunohistochemistry
Presence of mismatch repair endonuclease PMS2 in primary malignant neoplasm of endometrium by immunohistochemistry
Presence of mismatch repair endonuclease PMS2 in primary malignant neoplasm of lung by immunohistochemistry
Presence of necrosis in ductal carcinoma in situ in excised breast specimen
Presence of neoplasm at excised surgical margin
Presence of neoplasm in mesentery
Presence of nephrogenic rests in primary nephroblastoma
Presence of neurotropism in malignant melanoma of skin
Presence of progesterone receptor in neoplasm
Presence of programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 in primary malignant neoplasm of lung by immunohistochemistry
Presence of proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase ROS in primary malignant neoplasm of lung by immunohistochemistry
Presence of receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 in primary malignant neoplasm of breast by fluorescence in situ hybridization
Presence of receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 in primary malignant neoplasm of breast by immunohistochemistry
Presence of receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 in primary malignant neoplasm of endometrium by immunohistochemistry
Presence of receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 in primary malignant neoplasm of lung by immunohistochemistry
Presence of regression of metastatic neoplasm of breast in lymph node after neoadjuvant antineoplastic therapy
Presence of regression of primary malignant melanoma of skin
Presence of regression of primary malignant neoplasm after neoadjuvant antineoplastic therapy
Presence of regression of primary malignant neoplasm of prostate after hormone therapy
Presence of regression of primary malignant neoplasm of prostate after radiotherapy therapy
Presence of succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] flavoprotein subunit, mitochondrial in primary gastrointestinal stromal sarcoma by immunohistochemistry
Presence of succinate dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur subunit, mitochondrial in primary gastrointestinal stromal sarcoma by immunohistochemistry
Presence of tumor bud in primary malignant neoplasm of colorectum
Presence of tumor necrosis in malignant neoplasm of bone in excised tissue specimen
Presence of tumor necrosis in malignant neoplasm of kidney in excised kidney specimen
Presence of tumor necrosis in malignant neoplasm of soft tissue in excised specimen
Presence of tumor necrosis in malignant neoplasm of thyroid in thyroidectomy specimen
Presence of ulcer in primary malignant melanoma of skin
Proportion of specimen involved by tumor
Proportion score of neoplastic cells positive for hormone receptors using immunohistochemistry
Radial location of malignant melanoma in peripheral surgical margin of excised specimen of skin
Radial location of melanoma in situ in peripheral surgical margin of excised skin specimen
Radial location of neoplasm in excised breast specimen
Region of fallopian tube involved by tumor
Relative location of involved inguinal lymph nodes to primary malignant neoplasm of penis
Relative location of involved lymph nodes to primary malignant neoplasm of nasal cavity and/or nasal sinus
Relative location of involved lymph nodes to primary malignant neoplasm of oral soft tissue
Relative location of involved lymph nodes to primary malignant neoplasm of pharynx
Relative location of involved lymph nodes with primary malignant neoplasm of major salivary gland
resectabiliteit van tumor
Residual cancer burden index
risicogroep volgens 'European Association of Urology biochemical recurrence risk group classification system'
Serum tumor marker category
Site involved by extension of neoplasm
Site of invasive ovarian tumor omental implant
Site of largest single mass
Site of non-invasive (desmoplastic) ovarian tumor omental implant
Site of non-invasive (epithelial) ovarian tumor omental implant
stadium van residuele tumor
Stage of tumor involvement of non-regional lymph nodes
Status of adrenal gland involvement by tumor
Status of correlation between radiographic image and pathologic finding
Status of distant metastasis
Status of intratumoral/peritumoral lymphocyte response
Status of invasive ovarian tumor omental implants
Status of non-invasive (desmoplastic) ovarian tumor omental implants
Status of non-invasive (epithelial) ovarian tumor omental implants
Status of ovarian tumor omental implants
Status of regression of tumor
Status of renal sinus involvement by tumor
Status of residual neoplasm
Status of serum tumor marker level
Status of specimen involvement by macroscopic tumor
Status of specimen involvement by multifocal invasion
Status of specimen involvement by satellite nodule(s)
Status of tumor infiltration by lymphocytes
Status of tumor involvement by necrosis
status van 'human epidermal growth factor receptor 2'
Surgical margin involved by neoplasm in excised tissue specimen
TNM tumor observable
Tumor border behavior
Tumor bud score in primary malignant neoplasm of colorectum
Tumor configuration
Tumor extent of invasion, macroscopic
Tumor focality
Tumor immunophenotyping status
Tumor location after sectioning
Tumor nodule site
Tumor pigmentation
Tumor quantitation
Tumor stage
Tumor viability
Tumor volume
Type of polyp from which malignant neoplasm originated
Type of study performed on tumor specimen
WHO tumor classification
WHO tumor classification cannot be determined