hypokinesie van myocard van septale regio van linker ventrikel (bevinding) | | hypokinesie van myocard van septale regio van linker ventrikel | | hypokinesie van myocard van septaal gebied van linker hartkamer hypokinesie van septaal myocardium van ventriculus cordis sinister septale hypokinesie van ventriculus cordis sinister
| | Hypokinesis of myocardium of septal region of left ventricle | | Septal hypokinesis of left cardiac ventricle Hypokinesia of myocardium of septal region of left ventricle Septal hypokinesis of LV (left ventricle)
| Id | 38501000087102 | Status | Defined |
SNOMED CT to ICD-10 extended map | Target | R94.3 | Rule | TRUE | Advice | ALWAYS R94.3 | Correlation | SNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified |