hypokinesie van myocard van inferieure regio van linker ventrikel (bevinding)
hypokinesie van myocard van inferieure regio van linker ventrikel
hypokinesie van myocard van inferieur gebied van linker hartkamer
hypokinesie van inferieur myocardium van ventriculus cordis sinister
inferieure hypokinesie van linker ventrikel
Hypokinesis of myocardium of inferior region of left ventricle
Inferior hypokinesis of LV (left ventricle)
Hypokinesia of myocardium of inferior region of left ventricle
Inferior hypokinesis of left cardiac ventricle
Has interpretationafwijkend
Interpretscardiovasculaire functie
SNOMED CT to ICD-10 extended map
AdviceALWAYS R94.3
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified