sombere stemming (bevinding)
sombere stemming
depressieve stemming
Gevoelens van verdriet en melancholie die gepaard gaan met verminderde concentratie, verminderde eetlust en slapeloosheid.
Neerslachtige gevoelens en/of sombere gedachten hebben.
Depressed mood
Dutch nursing observation simple reference set
Dutch nursing observations for suicide simple reference set
Dutch nursing problem simple reference set
General Practice / Family Practice reference set
Nursing Health Issues Reference Set
Global Patient Set
SNOMED CT to MedDRA simple map10012374
ICNP diagnoses to SNOMED CT simple map10022402
SNOMED CT to ICD-10 extended map
AdviceALWAYS R45.8
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified
SNOMED CT to NANDA correlated map reference set of patient problems
CorrelationPartial overlap between SNOMED CT source code and target code
SNOMED CT to Omaha correlated extended map reference set of patient problems
CorrelationNarrow to broad map from SNOMED CT source code to target code
Target QualifierActual problem
SNOMED CT to ICF correlated extended map reference set of patient problems
CorrelationNarrow to broad map from SNOMED CT source code to target code
Target QualifierICF extent of problem 1-4