waarneembare entiteit
observatie betreffende lymfeklier (waarneembare entiteit)
observatie betreffende lymfeklier
Lymph node observable
voldoende gedefinieerd met noodzakelijke voorwaarden
inherent aan
structuur van lymfeklier
aantal aangedane regionale lymfeklieren
aantal lymfeklieren aangedaan door maligne neoplasma
aantal onderzochte lymfeklieren
aanwezigheid van lymfeklier in preparaat van weefsel verkregen door excisie
Anatomic location of excised lymph node
grootte van lymfeklier
Intraoperative presence of metastasis in sentinel lymph node by one-step nucleic acid amplification
Lymph node station of involved lymph nodes
Number of nodal groups present in specimen
Number of non-regional lymph nodes examined
Number of non-regional lymph nodes present in specimen
Presence of matted lymph nodes in excised tissue specimen
Presence of metastasis in sentinel lymph node using touch imprint cytology during surgical procedure
Presence of metastatic neoplasm in lymph node in excised tissue specimen
Presence of metastatic neoplasm in non-regional lymph node
Presence of metastatic neoplasm in regional lymph node
Relative location of involved inguinal lymph nodes to primary malignant neoplasm of penis
Relative location of involved lymph nodes to primary malignant neoplasm of nasal cavity and/or nasal sinus
Relative location of involved lymph nodes to primary malignant neoplasm of oral soft tissue
Relative location of involved lymph nodes to primary malignant neoplasm of pharynx
Relative location of involved lymph nodes with primary malignant neoplasm of major salivary gland
Type of lymph node submitted