observatie betreffende eten, voeding en/of drinken
Substance use behavior
gegevens betreffende alcoholgebruik (waarneembare entiteit)
gegevens betreffende alcoholgebruik
details betreffende alcoholgebruik
Details of alcohol drinking behavior
Addiction Research Foundation Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol score
ADS (Alcohol Dependence Scale) total score
Age at starting drinking
Alcohol abuse cessation behavior
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test for Primary Care score
Alcohol use disorders identification test score
Alcohol withdrawal scale score
AUDIT-C (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test - Consumption) score
CAGE (Cutting down, Annoyance by criticism, Guilty feeling and Eye-openers) Questionnaire total score
Five-Shot questionnaire score
gebruik van strategieën om drinken van alcohol onder controle te houden
houding tegenover drinken van alcohol
MALT (Munich Alcoholism Test) score
Number of alcohol units consumed on heaviest drinking day
Number of alcohol units consumed on typical drinking day
Priority of drink-related activities
Severity of alcohol dependence questionnaire score
Time since stopped drinking
tolerantie voor alcohol
Total time drunk alcohol
TWEAK (Tolerance, Worry, Eye-opener, Amnesia, K/Cut down) questionnaire score
vermogen tot controle houden over drinken van alcohol