gradering en schalen
beoordelingsschaal (beoordelingsschaal)
Assessment scales
Global Patient Set
'Delirium observation screening'-beoordelingsschaal
'Disease Activity Score' bij reumatoïde artritis
'Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification'-beoordelingsschaal
16 Personality factor questionnaire
5-item World Health Organization Well-being Index questionnaire
Aachen aphasia test
AAMR adaptive behavior scale
Abbey Pain Scale
Abbreviated injury scale
Abbreviated Mental Test
ABC behavioral checklist
ABC test for movement
Abnormal involuntary movement scale
Acceptance of illness scale
ACS - Activity Card Sort
Action for dysphasic adults comprehension battery
Activities specific balance confidence scale
Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation
Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II
Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation III
Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation IV
Addenbrooke's cognitive examination revised
Addiction Research Foundation Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol
Addiction severity index
Adelaide coma scale
Adolescent Life Change Event Scale
Adult comorbidity evaluation-27
Adult personality rating schedule
Adverse Childhood Experience questionnaire
Affect balance scale
Ages and stages questionnaire second edition
Ages and Stages Questionnaires Third Edition
AIDS Risk Behavior Knowledge Test
Alberta Stroke Program Early CT score
Alcohol dependence scale
Alcohol use disorders identification test
Alcohol use inventory
Alcohol withdrawal scale
Alert Confusion Voice Pain Unresponsiveness scale
alert voice pain unresponsive scale
Allen cognitive level screening tool
Alphabet number alteration test
Altman Self-Rating Mania Scale
Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale
American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society Gastroparesis Cardinal Symptom Index-Daily Diary
Amsterdam-Nijmegen Everyday Language Test
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale Revised
Androgen deficiency in the aging male questionnaire
Anomalous sentences repetition test
Anorexia nervosa stages of change questionnaire
Anorexic attitudes questionnaire
Anorexic behavior scales
Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden Scale
Apgar score
Aphasia language performance scales
Aphasia screening test
Apnea Hypopnea Index
Apraxia battery for adults
Apraxia Battery for Adults Second Edition
Arizona battery for communication disorders of dementia
Arnadottir occupational therapy activities of daily living neurobehavioral evaluation
Arthritis impact measurement scale
ASEPSIS score for wound infection
Ashworth assessment scale
Assessment and therapy program for dysfluent children
Assessment of communication and interaction skill version 4.0
Assessment of comprehension of expression 6-11
Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech
Assessment of motor and process skills
Assessment of occupational functioning
Assessment of Occupational Functioning Modified Interest Checklist
Assessment protocol of pragmatic linguistic skills
Association for neuropsychological research and development prospective memory test
Asthma control questionnaire
Asthma control test
Aston index
Atrial Fibrillation Effect on Quality-of-life Questionnaire
Attention process training questionnaire
Attention process training test
Attentional capacity test
Attitudes towards doctors and medicine scale
Attributional style questionnaire
Auditory comprehension test for sentences
Auditory Skills Assessment
Augmentative communication profile
Autism Spectrum Screening Questionnaire
Autistic features checklist
Autobiographical memory interview
Bakas Caregiving Outcomes Scales
Bamford Kowal and Bench non-picture related
Bamford Kowal and Bench picture related
Bangor dyslexia test
Bankson language test
Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index
Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index
Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index
Battelle Developmental Inventory Screening Tool
Bay Area Functional Performance Evaluation
Bayley scale of infant development
Beck anxiety inventory
Beck anxiety standardized rating scale
Beck depression inventory
Beck Depression Inventory II
Beck hopelessness scale
Beck scale for suicide ideation
Bedside evaluation and screening test of aphasia
Bedside Evaluation Screening Test Second Edition
Beery-Buktenica test of visual motor integration
Behavior and mood disturbance scale
Behavior Assessment Battery
Behavior assessment of the dysexecutive syndrome
Behavior Assessment System for Children, Second Edition
Behavior problem checklist
Behavior rating scale
Behavioral inattention test
Behavioral observation schedule
Behavioral screening questionnaire
Beliefs about pain control questionnaire
Bellak children's apperception test
Bender visual motor gestalt test
Benign prostatic hyperplasia impact index
Bennett's test of manual dexterity
Benton visual retention test
beoordelingsschaal voor intensiteit van pijn
Bereweeke skill teaching system checklist
Berg Balance Scale
Berlin questionnaire for sleep apnea
Bexley-Maudsley automated psychological screening
Binary individualized outcome measure
Binge eating scale
Birmingham object recognition battery
Birmingham Vasculitis Activity Score
Bispectral index
Blakely dyspraxia assessment
Blessed dementia rating scale
Blissymbols test
Body mass, airflow obstruction, dyspnea and exercise capacity index
Body shape questionnaire
Boehm test of basic concepts
Boehm-3 Preschool
Booker heterotopic ossification score
Boone Voice Program for Children
Borg scale
Boston aphasia scale
Boston Bowel Preparation Scale
Boston diagnostic aphasia examination
Boston naming test
Bracken test of basic concept scale
Braden Scale
Breast Cancer Risk Assessment Tool
Breast Imaging and Reporting and Data System
Brief activities of daily living
Brief depression rating scale
Brief Esophageal Dysphagia Questionnaire
Brief Parental Self-efficacy Scale
Brief psychiatric rating scale - 1962
Brigance Screens-II
Bristol Foot Score
Bristol language assessment scale
Bristol stool form scale
British ability scales
British isles lupus assessment group score
Brixton test
Bromage Scale
Broselow Luten color coding system for pediatric weight estimation
Bruininks-Oseretsky test of motor proficiency
Bryant and Bradley rhyming task
Brøset Violence Checklist
Buffalo assessment profile - Wilson
Buffalo III Voice Profile
Bulimia test
Bulimic investigation test - Edinburgh
Burns weaning assessment program
Bus story
Buschke selective reminding test
Bush-Francis Catatonia Rating Scale
CAARMS - Comprehensive Assessment of At-Risk Mental States
Cage questionnaire
Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia
California personality inventory
California verbal learning test
Callier-Azusa scale
Camberwell family interview
Cambridge apraxia battery
Canadian Cardiovascular Society classification of angina
Canadian occupational performance measure
Canadian Study of Health and Aging clinical frailty scale
Cancer attitude inventory
Cantril ladder assessment
Cardiovascular Limitations and Symptoms Profile angina score
Cardiovascular Limitations and Symptoms Profile ankle swelling score
Career interest test
Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool
Carers of older people in Europe index
Carrow elicited language inventory
Carrow screening test of auditory comprehension
Category test
CELF-5 - Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Fifth Edition
Centor criteria
CHA2DS2-VASc (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age 2, diabetes mellitus, stroke 2, vascular disease, age, sex category) score
Chailey Heritage lying assessment
Chailey Heritage seating assessment
Charlson Comorbidity Index
Checklist for autism in toddlers
Checklist of communicative competence
Checklist of conversational abilities
Checklist of listening behaviors
checklist PijnGedrag
Chessington occupational therapy neurological assessment battery
Child and Adolescent Scale of Participation
Child assessment schedule
Child Behavior Checklist
Child depression scale
Child Development Inventory
Child occupational self assessment version 2.1
Child-Pugh score
Childhood Asthma Control Test
Childhood health assessment questionnaire
Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment
Children's coma scale
Children's Communication Checklist Second Edition
Children's global assessment scale
Children's health locus of control scale
Children's Loneliness Scale
Children's Test of Nonword Repetition
Chronic illness perception assessment scale
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Assessment Test scale
Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale
CLASP score
CLASP shortness of breath score
classificatie van lichamelijke toestand volgens American Society of Anesthesiologists
Claus Model
Clavien-Dindo complication scale
Clifton assessment procedures for the elderly
Clinical anxiety scale
Clinical chronic obstructive pulmonary disease questionnaire
Clinical dementia rating scale
Clinical eating disorder rating instrument
Clinical evaluation of language function revised
Clinical Global Impression
Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Benzodiazepines scale
Clinical observation of motor and postural skills
Clinical opiate withdrawal scale
Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation Learning Disabilities
Clinical Risk Index for Babies
Clinical Risk Index for Babies II
Co-op function charts
Cocaine abuse assessment profile
Cognitions questionnaire
Cognitive assessment of Minnesota
Cognitive failures questionnaire
Cognitive Performance Test
CogState Brief Battery
Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale
Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events
Communication Activities of Daily Living
Communication Assessment Profile
Communication skills questionnaire
Community dependency index
Composite international diagnostic interview
Comprehensive drinker profile
Comprehensive injury scale
Comprehensive occupational therapy evaluation scale
Compulsive eating scale
Computerized Assessment of Response Bias
Confusion Assessment Method
Confusion, Respiratory Rate, Blood Pressure, 65 years of age or older score
Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales
Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice
Consonant trigrams test
Constant and Murley shoulder assessment score
Consumer satisfaction questionnaire
Control of Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Test
Conversation analysis profile for people with cognitive impairment
Cooper personalized fluency control therapy
Coping behavior inventory
Cormack and Lehane system
Coronary artery calcium score
Coronary Artery Disease Reporting and Data System
Coronary heart disease risk
Courtauld emotional control scale
CPAx - Chelsea Critical Care Physical Assessment tool
CRAFFT Screening Test
Crichton vocabulary scale
Crohn's Disease Activity Index
Crown-crisp experiential index
Culture-free self-esteem inventory
Cutaneous Dermatomyositis Disease Area and Severity Index
CVLT-C (California Verbal Learning Test Children's Version)
Daily activities questionnaire
Dallas pain questionnaire
Daniels and Diack graded word spelling test
Daniels and Diack reading tests
DDST-II - Denver Developmental Screening Test Second Edition
De Gangi-Berk sensory functioning in infants
Deauville five point scale
Delighted-terrible faces scale
Delusions-symptoms-states inventory
DemTect scale
Denver development scale
Denver development scale screening test
DEPA (Depth, Extent, Phase and Associated etiology) Score
Depression anxiety scale
Depression self rating scale
Dermatology life quality index
Derogatis sexual functioning inventory
Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting
Developmental test of visual perception
Developmental, dimensional and diagnostic interview
Diabetes clinic satisfaction questionnaire
Diabetes treatment satisfaction questionnaire
Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire change version
Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire status version
Diabetes wellbeing questionnaire
Diagnostic interview for children and adolescents
Diagnostic interview schedule
Diagnostic speech discrimination test
Diagnostic survey for eating disorders
DIALOG patient rated outcome measure
Dietary instrument for nutrition education questionnaire
Digit sequence learning
Disabilities of the arm shoulder and hand questionnaire
Disability rating scale
Discourse abilities profile
Disease activity score in rheumatoid arthritis using C-reactive protein
Dol scale
DOLOPLUS-2 scale
Doors and people assessment
Doyle articular index
Draw a person test
Drinking problem scale
Drug abuse screening test
Dubowitz score
Duke Activity Scale Index
Duke UNC health profile
Duke's coronary artery disease score
Dundee Coronary Risk Disk
Durrell test of listening comprehension
Dyadic Assessment of Naturalistic Caregiver child Experiences
Dynamic gait index
Dysphagia Outcome and Severity Scale
Eakin index
Early warning scoring system
Eating attitudes test
Eating behavior rating scale
Eating disorder examination
Eating disorder examination questionnaire
Eating disorders inventory
Eating inventory
ECOG scale for physical assessment
EDIN - Échelle de Douleur et d'Inconfort du Nouveau-né
Edinburgh articulation test
Edinburgh claudication questionnaire
Edinburgh functional communication profile
Edinburgh postnatal depression scale
Edmans activities of daily living index
Edmonton Symptom Assessment System
Education score - diabetes
Edwards Personal Preference Schedule
Elderly Assessment System
Elderly at risk rating scale
Elderly mobility scale
Elia normogram
Emergency Severity Index
Emotional Stress Reaction Questionnaire
English picture vocabulary test
Enthesitis index
Epworth Sleepiness Scale
Erection hardness score
European Association of Urology biochemical recurrence risk group classification system
European league against rheumatism response criteria scale
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer - Quality of Life questionnaire
European pressure ulcer advisory panel classification system
European system for cardiac operative risk evaluation
Evaluation of Social Interaction
Evaluation tool of children's handwriting
Everyday Cognition questionnaire
Everyday memory questionnaire
Extended activities of daily living scale
Eysenck personality inventory
Eysenck personality questionnaire
Faces Pain Scale - Revised
Facial recognition test
Fagerstrom tolerance questionnaire
Falls behavioral scale for older people
Falls risk assessment score for the elderly
Family APGAR (adaptation, partnership, growth, affection, and resolve)
Family relations test
Fatigue impact scale
Fear of AIDS scale
Fear survey schedule
Feeding assessment schedule
Feelings of fatness questionnaire
Ferriman-Gallwey scale
Fibrosis-4 index
Finger tapping test
Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Scoring Tool
Finnish diabetes risk score
FIRST screening test
Fitzpatrick classification of skin type
Five shot questionnaire on heavy drinking
Foot Function Index
Footwear Suitability Scale
Forced choice ratings of health-related attributes
Frailty Index
Framingham anger measure
Framingham cardiovascular disease 30 year risk score
Framingham coronary heart disease 10 year adjusted risk score
Framingham coronary heart disease 10 year risk score
Framingham coronary heart disease 5 year risk score
Framingham type A behavior pattern measure
Framingham type B behavior pattern measure
Frankel grading system for spinal cord injury
Frankl behavioral rating scale
FRAX (fracture risk assessment tool) hip fracture probability assessment tool
FRAX (fracture risk assessment tool) osteoporotic fracture probability assessment tool
Frenchay activities index
Frenchay aphasia screening test
Frenchay dysarthria assessment
Frequency, Intensity, and Burden of Side Effects Ratings scale
Frontal assessment battery
Fuld object memory evaluation
Fullerton language test for adolescents
Functional analysis of care environments assessment tool
Functional assessment measure
Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Brain
Functional capacity evaluation
Functional communication assessment for physically handicapped children
Functional communication profile
Functional independence measure
Functional limitation profile
Functional meal preparation scale
Functional performance record
Functional status index
Functional test for the hemiparetic upper extremity
Fundamental speech skills test
Galveston orientation and amnesia test
GAS-Light - Goal Attainment Scaling-Light
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease-Health Related Quality of Life questionnaire
gemodificeerde Merle d'Aubigne-Postel-heupscore
General assessment of neurological impairment
General clerical test
General health questionnaire
General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition
General preventative health behaviors checklist
General wellbeing schedule
Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 item scale
Geriatric depression scale
German test of wordfinding
Gesell Developmental Observation Revised
Gessell developmental scale
Gijon's social-familial evaluation scale
Glasgow abbreviated mental test score
Glasgow outcome scale
Global assessment of functioning - 1993 DSMIV adaptation
Global Deterioration Scale
Goldman cardiac risk index
Goldman-Fristoe test
Golombrok-Rust inventory of sexual satisfaction
Goodenough draw-a-man test
Goodenough norms
Graded naming test
Graded Word Spelling Test
Graffar index
Graham-Kendall memory for designs test
Grammatical analysis of elicited language
Grammatical contrasts test
GRBAS scale
Griffiths mental developmental scale
Groningen Frailty Indicator
Gross motor function classification system for cerebral palsy
GSRT - Gray Silent Reading Test
Gugging Swallowing Screen
Guide to early movement skills checklist
Gunzberg primary progress assessment chart of social development
Guy's neurological disability scale
Hall and Baker rehabilitation evaluation
Halstead-Reitan battery
Hamb hip score
Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale
Hamilton rating scale for depression
Hampshire assessment for living with others
Harris hip score scale
Harvey and Bradshaw index
Hassles scale
Hauser ambulatory categories
Hayling test
HCR-20 V3 - Historical Clinical Risk management-20 version 3
Headache Impact Test-6
Health assessment questionnaire
Health knowledge measurement
Health of the Nation Outcome Scales
Health status index
Health value scale
Healthcare assessment questionnaire - Sidney Benjamin
Healthy Eating Index 2015
Hearing handicap inventory for the elderly
Hearing handicap scale
Hidden figures test
Hip disability and osteoarthritis outcome score
Historical, clinical, risk management 20 assessing risk for violence scheme version 2
Hoehn and Yahr Scale
Holborn Reading Scale
Hopelessness scale
Hopkins symptom checklist
Hornsby articulation test
Hornsby test of language development
Hospital anxiety and depression scale
HOSPITAL readmission risk score
Hospital trauma index
House-Brackmann facial nerve grading scale
Housing dependency scale
Human interaction assessment
Hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding history or predisposition, labile international normalized ratio, elderly over 65, and drugs/alcohol concomitantly score
Hypomania checklist 32 item revised
IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) Framework
IDDSI-FDS - International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Functional Diet Scale
Illinois test of psycholinguistic abilities
Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities Third Edition
Illness behavior questionnaire
Illness-injury severity index
Impact of event scale
Impact of event scale revised
Index of activities of daily living
Infant Development Inventory
Injury Severity Score
Instrumental activities of daily living
Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5 Patient Version (1 week recall period)
Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5 Patient Version (3 day recall period)
Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5 Staff Version (1 week recall period)
Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5 Staff Version (3 day recall period)
Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale Patient Version (1 week recall period)
Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale Patient Version (3 day recall period)
Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale Staff Version (3 day recall period)
Intelligibility in Context Scale
Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist
Inter-reactive language analysis
Interaction checklist for augmentative communication
Interest checklist
International Consultation on Incontinence questionnaire
International index of erectile function
International Prognostic Index
internationale prostaatsymptoomscore
Internet Addiction Test
Interviewer led Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire
Inventory of drinking situations
IOWA low back rating scale
IOWA structured psychiatric interview
IPOS (Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale) Staff Version (1 week recall period)
Ischemia score
Jarman index
Jebsen hand function test
Joint protection knowledge assessment
Jones word order test
Kapandji clinical opposition and reposition test of thumb score
Karnofsky performance status
Katz adjustment scale - relatives form
Kaufman assessment battery for children
Kendrick battery for detection of dementia in the elderly
Kenny self-care evaluation form
Kent Inventory of Developmental Skills
Kessler Psychological Distress Scale K10
Kessler Psychological Distress Scale K6
Kielhofner role checklist
Killip classification
Kirwan Thompson articular index
Klein-Bell ADL scale
Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score
Kohlman evaluation of living skills
Kurtzke multiple sclerosis rating scale
Lambeth communication scale
Lambeth disability screening questionnaire
Lamh assessment checklist
Language assessment remediation and screening procedure
Lansbury articular index
Last six months of drinking questionnaire
Learning development aids - handwriting assessment
Leeds Foot Impact Scale
Leeds revised acne grading system
Leeds scales for the self-assessment of anxiety and depression
Leiter international performance scale
Lequesne index
Letter cancelation test
Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale
Life events and difficulties scale
Life events inventory
Life experiences checklist
Life orientation test
Life satisfaction index
Life science associates assessment
Likert scale
Lincoln rehabilitation assessment
Lindamood auditory conceptualization test
Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment
London hospital pain chart assessment
London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy
Lorr's modified multidimensional scale for rating psychiatric patients
Lower Extremity Functional Scale
Luria neuropsychological battery
Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological battery, children's revision
Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological battery, form 1
Lymphedema quality of life tool (arm)
Lymphedema quality of life tool (leg)
Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale
MacAndrew scale
Macmillan Readers Level Test
Maelor Scale
Make-a-picture story test
Mallampati score
Malnutrition Screening Tool
Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool
Manchester foot pain and disability index
Manchester Scale for grading hallux valgus
Manchester Triage System
Marks and Mathews fear questionnaire
Marlow-Crowne scale
MARS - Moss Attention Rating Scale
Master questionnaire
Matson assessment
Maudsley addiction profile
Mayers lifestyle questionnaire 1
Mayers lifestyle questionnaire 2
McConkey score
McCormick miniature toy discrimination test
McGill pain chart questionnaire
McMaster health index questionnaire
McTears assessment of conversation
Me and My School Questionnaire
Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile
Measurement of cognitive linguistic ability
Mechanism, Glasgow Coma Scale, Age, Pressure score
Medical interview satisfaction scale
Medical outcomes study short form general health survey
Medical Research Council motor power scale
Medical Research Council questionnaire
Medication Adherence Rating Scale
Melbourne assessment of unilateral upper limb function
Mental adjustment to cancer scale
Mental status questionnaire
Mental test score
Merril-Palmer preschool performance scale
Merrill Palmer scale
Merrill-Palmer-Revised Scales of Development
Methods time measurement
Michigan alcoholism screening test
Michigan hand outcomes questionnaire
MicroCog Assessment of Cognitive Function
Middlesex elderly assessment of mental state
Midlands spelling test
Military skills assessment
Mill Hill vocabulary scale
Miller assessment for preschoolers
Miller Function and Participation Scales
Milwaukee evaluation of daily living skills
Mini asthma quality of life questionnaire
Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents
Mini-mental state examination
Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire
Minnesota sedation assessment tool
Minnesota test for differential diagnosis of aphasia
MNA - Mini Nutritional Assessment
Moberg pickup test
Mobility inventory for agoraphobia
Model of creative ability assessment scale
Model of Human Occupation Screening Tool version 2.0
Modified Aldrete score
Modified Ashworth Scale
Modified Balance Error Scoring System
Modified card sorting test
Modified checklist for autism in toddlers
Modified Harris hip score
modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale
Modified Rankin Scale
modified Severity Weighted Assessment Tool
Modified Tardieu Scale
Modified word learning test
Modular arrangement of predetermined time standards scoring tool
Montgomery-Åsberg depression rating scale
Montreal Cognitive Assessment version 7.1
Montreal Cognitive Assessment version 7.2
Montreal Cognitive Assessment version 7.3
Montreal Cognitive Assessment version 8.1
Mood adjective checklist
Mood Disorder Questionnaire
Morgan-Barry auditory discrimination and attention test
Morningside rehabilitation status scale
Morse falls risk assessment
Mortality prediction model
Mothers' Object Relations Scale - Short Form
Motivation analysis test
Motives for smoking scale
Motor assessment scale
Motor free visual perception test
Motricity index
Mount Wilga high level language screening assessment
Movement Assessment Battery for Children Checklist Second Edition
Movement Assessment Battery for Children Second Edition
Movement of upper limb evaluation
MOxFQ (Manchester-Oxford Foot Questionnaire) (foot and ankle)
MOxFQ (Manchester-Oxford Foot Questionnaire) (foot)
Multidimensional health locus of control scale
Multilevel informal language inventory
Multilingual aphasia examination
Munich alcoholism test
NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) fibrosis score
National adult reading test
National Early Warning Score
National Institutes of Health stroke scale
Neale analysis of reading ability
Neelon and Champagne Confusion Scale
Nelson schedule of growing skills
Neonatal Infant Pain Scale
Neonatal Pain Assessment and Sedation Scale
Neonatal Skin Risk Assessment Scale
Neurobehavioral cognitive status examination
Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory in Epilepsy
Neuropsychiatric Inventory Questionnaire
Neuropsychological battery
New Salford Sentence Reading Test
New York Heart Association Classification
Newcastle articulation test
Newcastle dyspraxia assessment
Newcastle phonology assessment
NEWS 2- beoordelingsschaal
Nine Equivalents of Nursing Manpower Use Score
Nine hole peg test
Norris functional scale
Northwestern Syntax Screening Test
Northwick Park index of independence in ADL
Norton Scale
Nottingham extended ADL index
Nottingham health profile
Nottingham prognostic index
Nottingham ten-point ADL index
Nuffield dyspraxia assessment
Numeric Pain Rating Scale
Nutritional Risk Screening 2002
Object naming test
Object relations technique
Obsessive compulsive inventory
Occasions for smoking scale
Occupational case analysis interview and rating scale
Occupational circumstances assessment interview and rating scale version 4.0
Occupational performance history interview
Occupational self assessment version 2.2
Occupational Therapy Driver Off Road Assessment Battery
Occupational therapy functional assessment compilation tool
Occupational therapy role checklist
Occupational therapy task observation scale
Odstock hand assessment
OPCS disability scales
Opioid Risk Tool
Orthostatic Hypotension Questionnaire
Oswestry disability index
Outcome Prioritization Tool
Outcome Rating Scale
Oxford Cognitive Screen
Oxford elbow score
Oxford grading scale for muscle strength
Oxford shoulder score
Paced auditory serial addition test
Pack years
Padua inventory
Padua Prediction Score for risk of venous thromboembolism
Paediatric Index of Mortality 2
Paediatric Index of Mortality 3
Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia scale
Pain Catastrophizing Scale
Pain coping strategies questionnaire
Pain diary
Pain Self-efficacy Questionnaire
Panic disorder severity scale
Pantomime test
Parent's Evaluation of Developmental Status
Parenting Daily Hassles Scale
Parsonnet score
Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth
Partners in augmentative communication training
PASS - Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients
Patient Activation Measure
Patient activity checklist
Patient Experience with Treatment and Self-management questionnaire
Patient Global Impression of Improvement
Patient Health Questionnaire-2
Patient Health Questionnaire-4
Patient satisfaction score
Patient-Specific Functional Scale
Patients At Risk of Re-hospitalization case finding tool
PCL-5 - post-traumatic stress disorder checklist for DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fifth edition)
Peabody picture vocabulary test
Pediatric Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale
Pediatric clinical test of sensory integration and balance
Pediatric oral skills profile
Pediatric risk of mortality
pediatrische traumascore
PEDIS (Perfusion, Extent, Depth, Infection and Sensation) scoring system
PEDS-DM (Parent's Evaluation of Developmental Status - Developmental Milestones)
Pelvic Organ Prolapse/Urinary Incontinence Sexual Questionnaire 12
Penn Parkinson's Daily Activities Questionnaire-15
Penn State worry questionnaire
Pennebaker inventory of linguid languidness
Perceived control of insulin-dependent diabetes
Perceived efficacy and goal setting system
Perceived stress scale
Perceptions of stuttering inventory
Performance test of activities of daily living
Personality assessment schedule
Personality deviance scale
Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire Version 4
PETAL speech assessment procedure
Peter and the cat narrative assessment
Philadelphia geriatric center morale scale
Phonological assessment of child speech
Phonological awareness profile
Phonological Awareness Test Second Edition
Physical disability assessment score
Physical self maintenance scale
Picture pointing test
Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale
PIP developmental charts
Pittsburgh sleep quality index
Play Observation Kit
Pneumonia severity index
Pocock risk score
POEM - Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure
Pool activity level instrument
Porch index of communicative ability
Portuguese Registry of Acute Coronary Syndromes risk score
POS-S Renal (Palliative care Outcome Scale symptom list for end-stage renal disease)
Positive and negative affect schedule
Positive and negative syndrome scale
Post Anesthetic Recovery score
Postpartum Depression Screening Scale
Pragmatics profile
Pragmatics profile of early communication skills
Pre-school Boehm
Pre-speech assessment scale
Preferences for Activities of Children
Prejudicial evaluation and social interaction scale
Premature Infant Pain Profile
Premature Infant Pain Profile - Revised
Preparedness for Caregiving Scale
Preschool behavior check list
Preschool language scale
Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing
Preventability scale
Previous IQ assessment by pronunciation
Probability of death score
Problem oriented medical record
Process of Recovery Questionnaire
Profile in semantics
Profile of communicative appropriateness
Profile of executive control system
Profile of mood states
Prostate Imaging-Reporting and Data System
Psychiatric Research Interview for Substance and Mental Disorders
Psycholinguistic assessments of language processing in aphasia
Psychological adjustment to illness scale
Psychotic Depression Assessment Scale
Psychotic symptom rating scale
PUFA (pulpal involvement, ulceration, fistula and abscess) index
Pulmonary Embolism Rule-out Criteria
PULSES profile
Purdue pegboard scale
Pyramids and palm trees test
QRISK cardiovascular disease risk score
QRISK2 cardiovascular disease 10 year risk calculator
Quadriplegia index of function
Quality adjusted life years
Quality of life scale
Quality of upper extremity skills test scale
Quality of wellbeing scale
Quick neurological screening test
Ramsay sedation scale
Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning Scale
Rand functional limitations battery
Rankin scale
Ranson's criteria score
Rapid Arterial Occlusion Evaluation Scale
Rappaport disability rating scale
Rating communicative behavior in head injured adults
Rating scale of attentional behavior
Raven's progressive matrices and vocabulary scales
RCADS - Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale
RCADS-P - Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale Parent Version
RCBA-2 - Reading Comprehension Battery for Aphasia Second Edition
Reaction Level Scale
Read word discrimination test
Reading comprehension battery for aphasia
Reasons for eating scale
Reasons for smoking scale
Receptive expressive emergent language scale
Recognition memory test
Recovery locus of control scale
REEL-3 - Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Test Third Edition
Relative Stress Scale
Renal index
Renfrew action picture test
Renfrew articulation test
Renfrew wordfinding
Repertory grid
Reported health behaviors checklist
Reporters tests
Residential Environment Impact Scale Version 4.0
Residual cancer burden index
Resistance to change grid
Respiratory index
Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors
Restrained eating inventory
Revised cardiac risk index
Revised Child Impact of Events Scale 8
Revised Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability scale
Revised Geneva score for pulmonary embolism
Revised Iowa scale for rating severity
Revised Jones Criteria
Revised token test
Rey figure test
Reynell developmental language scales
Reynell Zinkin language scale for the visually impaired
Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale
Right hemisphere battery
Risk Score for Transport Patients
Ritchie articular index
Rivermead Activities of Daily Living Scale
Rivermead behavioral memory test
Rivermead motor assessment
Rivermead perceptual assessment battery
Robertson dysarthria assessment
Robertson dysarthria profile
Robson Ten Group Classification System
Rockall score
Roehampton ADL for amputees
Rogers personal adjustment inventory, revised
Rookwood Driving Battery
Rose Summers pragmatic profile
Rosenberg self-esteem scale
Ross information processing assessment
Rosser's classification of illness states
Roth and Spekman list of communicative intentions
Rotterdam symptom check list
Routine task inventory
Royal College of Physicians 3 questions
Rule of nines
Rust Inventory of Schizotypal Cognitions
Rutter Behaviour Questionnaire
S scale Andrews and Cutler
Safety assessment of function and the environment for rehabilitation
Saint Louis University Mental Status
Salford reading test
Salford Rheumatoid Arthritis Foot Evaluation Instrument
Samaritan orientation test
Sandwell bilingual comprehension test
Satisfaction with life scale
Savary Miller scale
Scale for Assessment and Rating of Ataxia
Scale of early communication skills for hearing impaired children
SCAN-A test for auditory processing disorders in adolescents and adults
SCAN-C Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Children
schaal van World Health Organization
Schedules for clinical assessment in neuropsychiatry
Schnijders Ooman test for deaf children
Schofield equation
Schonell graded reading test
Schonell graded spelling test
School AMPS (Assessment of Motor and Process Skills)
School function assessment
Schwachmann score
Scissor skills checklist
SCORE Index of Family Function and Change 15
Screening for developmental apraxia of speech
Screening test for auditory processing disorders
Screening test for the Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological battery
Screening Tool for Risk on Nutritional Status and Growth
Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment
Self-reported Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test
Sensory integration inventory revised for individuals with developmental disabilities
Sensory modality assessment and rehabilitation technique
Sensory profile
Sensory Profile 2
Sentence comprehension test
Sequential occupational dexterity assessment
Sequential Organ Failure Assessment
Serial sevens test
Session Rating Scale
Severity of alcohol dependence questionnaire
Severity of opiate dependence questionnaire
Sexual health inventory for men
Shaper index
Sheffield risk score
Short alcohol dependence data
Short falls efficacy scale - international
Short form social support questionnaire
Short health anxiety inventory
Short Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire
Short Orientation - Memory - Concentration Test
Short Physical Performance Battery
Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale
Short-term memory test
Shulman test of pragmatic skills
Sickness impact profile
Significant others scale
Silvers cerebral function test
Simple Endoscopic Score for Crohn's Disease
Simplified Acute Physiology Score
Single and double simultaneous tactile stimulation test
Single and double simultaneous visual stimulation test
single-item self-esteem scale
Situational confidence questionnaire
Situations for eating scale
Size (area, depth), Sepsis, Arteriopathy, Denervation system
sleep difficulties scale from the Dutch Symptom Checklist-90-Revised
Sleep Inertia Questionnaire
Smith cognitive questionnaire
SNAQ voor 65+
Snijders-Oomen non-verbal intelligence scale, revised
Social adjustment scale
Social adjustment scale II
Social adjustment scale self - report
Social Anxiety Scale for Children-Revised
Social Avoidance and Distress Scale
Social behavior assessment scale
Social functioning scale
Social phobia inventory
Social Satisfaction Questionnaire
Social support questionnaire
Social training achievement record
Sociale Steunlijst - Interactie 12
Society of Thoracic Surgeons risk calculator
Sollerman hand function test
South Tyneside assessment of phonology
South Tyneside assessment of syntactic structures
Southern California figure ground visual perception test
Southern California postrotary nystagmus test
Southern California sensory integration test
Spare time activities questionnaire
Special hospitals assessment of personality
Spectral edge frequency
Speech intelligibility assessment procedure
Spence Children's Anxiety Scale
Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory
Spitzer quality of life index
St George's hospital respiratory questionnaire
St Thomas's disability questionnaire
Stages of retinopathy of prematurity
Standardised Assessment of Personality - Abbreviated Scale
Standardized Assessment of Concussion
Standardized assessment of personality
Stanford Binet form L/M
Stanford Binet intelligence scale
State-trait anger expression inventory
Steinbrocker functional classification
Stimulus response inventory
Stirling eating disorders scale
Stocker probe technique for diagnosis and treatment of stuttering in young children
Stockton geriatric rating scale
STOPP - Screening Tool of Older Person's Prescriptions
Story completion test
Strange situation test
Strength, Assistance walking, Rising from chair, Climbing stairs and Falls questionnaire
Strengths and difficulties questionnaire
Stroke impact scale version 3.0
Stroke risk
Strong narrative assessment procedure
Stroop neuropsychological screening test
Structured clinical interview for DSM-III-R
Structured interview for DSM-III personality disorders
Structured observation test of function
Stuttering intervention program
Stuttering prediction instrument
Stuttering Prediction Instrument for Young Children
Stuttering severity instrument
Stycar hearing test
Subgroups for targeted treatment back screening tool
Subjective global assessment
Subjective Global Nutritional Assessment for children
Substance use disorder diagnostic schedule
Suicide intent score scale
Suicide risk scale
Sunnybrook cord injury scale
Supplementary language test
Sure of myself, Understand information, Risk-benefit ratio, Encouragement test
Swollen joint count
Symbol digit modalities test
Symbolic play test
Symptom checklist
Symptom validity test
Synonym learning test
Systematic fluency training for young children
Systemic lupus activity measure
Systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index
Tamb test
TAPS-3 - Test of Auditory Processing Skills Third Edition
Tegner Activity Scale
Tender joint count
Test for auditory perception of speech
Test of auditory comprehension of language
Test of auditory discrimination
Test of everyday attention
Test of language competence
Test of language development 2
Test of Language Development Fourth Edition
Test of motor impairment - Stott-Moyes-Henderson
Test of pragmatic skills
Test of reception of grammar
Test of syntactic abilities
Test of word finding in discourse
Test of Word Finding Third Edition
Test of word knowledge
The Ounce Scale
Therapeutic intervention scoring system
Therapy outcome measure
Thirty second chair stand test
Time line follow back
Time trade off analysis
Timed up and go mobility test
Tinetti assessment scale
Tinetti balance and gait scale
Tinetti falls efficacy scale
Token test
Trail making test
Trauma and injury severity score
Trauma index
Trauma score
Trauma Screening Questionnaire
Triage index
TWEAK (Tolerance, Worry, Eye-opener, Amnesia, K/Cut down) questionnaire
University of Alabama at Birmingham pain behavior scale
University of Texas Wound Classification System
Uplifts scale
Urogenital Distress Inventory-6
Valentine auditory memory test
Valpar 17 pre-vocational readiness battery
Vanderbilt Assessment Scale
Varni-Thompson pediatric pain questionnaire
Verbal rating scale
Verbal Rating Scale for pain intensity
verkorte 10-punts Berger hiv-stigmaschaal
Vernon Cloze procedure reading test
Vernon graded word reading test
Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-Achilles questionnaire
Vigil/W test
Vineland adaptive behavior scales
Vineland behavioral assessment
Vineland maturity scales adapted for the blind
Vineland social maturity scale
Visick symptom grade
Visual analog scale
Visual and perceptual assessment program
Visual infusion phlebitis scale
Visual object and spatial perception test
Vocal Profile Analysis Scheme
Voice assessment sheet - Martin
Voice evaluation form
Voice handicap index
Voice Impact Profile
Voice skills assessment
Volitional questionnaire version 4.1
vragenlijst met betrekking tot seksuele gezondheid aangepast aan het 'Incentive Motivation model' en gebaseerd op 'National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles - Sexual Function'
Waddell disability index
Wakefield self-assessment depression inventory
Ward behavior rating scale
Warner dysphagia assessment
Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well Being Scale
Waterlow Scale
Ways of Coping Questionnaire
Webster Scale
Wechsler adult intelligence scale
Wechsler intelligence scale for children
Wechsler memory scale
Wechsler memory scale revised
Wechsler objective language dimensions test
Wechsler objective numerical dimensions test
Wechsler pre-school and primary scale of intelligence
Weigl - Goldstein - Scheerer color form sorting test
Wepman digit span test
Wepman test of auditory processing disorders
Wessex revised portage language checklist
Westcotes individualized outcome measure
Western aphasia battery
Western Ontario and McMaster Universities osteoarthritis index
Westmead home safety assessment
Westmead Post-Traumatic Amnesia Scale
WHO depression scale
WHODAS (World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule) 2.0 12-item short version
WHODAS (World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule) 2.0 36-item full version
Whooley depression screen
Wiig criterion referenced inventory of language
Williams memory assessment scales
Winslow feeding checklist
Wisconsin card sorting test
Wong-Baker FACES pain assessment scale
Work environment impact scale version 2.0
Worker role interview version 10.0
World Health Organization (WHO) handicap scale
World Health Organization Adult Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Self-Report Scale
World Health Organization surgical safety checklist first edition
Yale Swallow Protocol
Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale
Zung self-rating depression scale
Zung's anxiety status inventory
Zung's self-rating anxiety scale