silicone (substantie) | | silicone | | silicone | | Synthetische stof, gemaakt van kiezel en zuurstof, die goed bestand is tegen kou en hitte; siliconen voelen rubberachtig en worden onder meer gebruikt voor het maken van prothesen. | | Silicone |
| Id | 13652007 | Status | Primitive |
PALGA thesaurus simple reference set for pathology |
Dutch non-drug allergen simple reference set for Dutch clinical building blocks version 2017 |
Dutch contact allergen simple reference set |
Dutch total non-drug allergen simple reference set |
International Patient Summary |
SNOMED CT allergen to drug excipient map reference set | Target | 91979 | Correlation | Broad to narrow map from SNOMED CT source code to target code |
Target | 96512 | Correlation | Broad to narrow map from SNOMED CT source code to target code |
Target | 82104 | Correlation | Broad to narrow map from SNOMED CT source code to target code |