intraveneuze schokgolflithotripsie van atherosclerotische plaque (verrichting)
intraveneuze schokgolflithotripsie van atherosclerotische plaque
intraveneuze schokgolflithotripsie van atheroom
intraveneuze schokgolfvergruizing van verkalkte atherosclerotische plaque
Intravenous shockwave lithotripsy of atherosclerotic plaque of artery
Intravenous fragmentation of atherosclerotic plaque of artery
IVL (intravenous lithotripsy) of arterial plaque
Intravascular lithotripsy of atherosclerotic plaque of artery
Accesspercutane benadering
Direct morphologyverkalkte atherosclerotische plaque
Procedure site - Indirectarterie
Surgical approachtransveneuze benadering
Using access devicevasculaire katheter
Using devicelithotriptor