epileptische aanval vanuit mesiale temporale kwab (bevinding)
epileptische aanval vanuit mesiale temporale kwab
epileptische aanval vanuit mediale slaapkwab
mesiotemporale epileptische aanval
insult vanuit mesiale temporaalkwab
Mesial temporal lobe epileptic seizure
Mesial temporal lobe seizure
An epileptic seizure originating within unilateral networks limited to the mesial area of the temporal lobe. These seizures may include an aura: autonomic (rising epigastric sensation, abdominal discomfort), cognitive (déjà vu/jamais vu), emotional (fear), or sensory (unpleasant olfactory and gustatory). The aura may occur in isolation or may be followed by behavioral arrest with slowly progressive impairment of awareness and oral (chewing, lip-smacking, swallowing, tongue movements) and manual automatisms. Autonomic phenomena (pallor, flushing, tachycardia) are common.
SNOMED CT to ICD-10 extended map
AdviceALWAYS G40.2
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified