epileptische aanval vanuit pariëtale kwab (bevinding)
epileptische aanval vanuit pariëtale kwab
insult vanuit pariëtaalkwab
epileptische aanval vanuit lobus parietalis cerebri
Parietal lobe epileptic seizure
Parietal lobe seizure
An epileptic seizure originating within unilateral networks limited to the parietal lobe. Positive and/or negative sensory features occur. Typically, paresthesia is reported but disorientation, complex visual hallucinations, vertiginous and visual illusions and disturbance of body image (somatic illusion) can occur. Receptive language impairment can occur with dominant hemisphere involvement. Ipsilateral or contralateral rotatory body movements can occur.
SNOMED CT to ICD-10 extended map
AdviceALWAYS G40.1
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified