onthoudingsverschijnselen van antidepressivum (aandoening)
onthoudingsverschijnselen van antidepressivum
abstinentiesyndroom van antidepressivum
Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome
ADS - antidepressant discontinuation syndrome
Antidepressant withdrawal syndrome
A set of symptoms that can occur when a person stops taking antidepressant medication or reduces the dosage too quickly. ADS (antidepressant discontinuation syndrome) typically begins 2-4 days after the medication is discontinued and usually lasts for 2-3 weeks. It can occur following treatment with all types of antidepressant and symptoms can vary depending on the medication being taken and dosage but can include flu-like symptoms, insomnia, nausea, imbalance and irritability or agitation.
SNOMED CT to ICD-10 extended map
AdviceALWAYS F19.3
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified