revisie van totale heupprothese met metalen augmentatie (verrichting)
revisie van totale heupprothese met metalen augmentatie
totale heuprevisie met 'metal augmentation'
Revision of total replacement of hip joint using metal augmentation
Revision of THR (total hip replacement) using metal augmentation
Revision of THR (total hip replacement) using metal augment
Revision of total hip replacement using metal augment
Revision of total arthroplasty of hip joint using metal augmentation
Revision of THA (total hip arthroplasty) using metal augment
Revision of THA (total hip arthroplasty) using metal augmentation
Direct devicemetaal-op-metaal totale heupprothese
Procedure site - Indirectgehele articulatio coxae
Revision statusrevisie - waarde