hereditair maligne neuro-endocrien neoplasma van dunne darm (aandoening) DEPRECATED
hereditair maligne neuro-endocrien neoplasma van dunne darm
erfelijke maligne NET van dunne darm
hereditaire maligne NET van dunne darm
erfelijke maligne neuro-endocriene tumor van intestinum tenue
Hereditary malignant neuroendocrine neoplasm of small intestine
Hereditary malignant neuroendocrine tumor of small intestine
Hereditary malignant neuroendocrine tumor of small bowel
A rare inherited cancer-predisposing syndrome characterized by occurrence of multiple synchronous primary carcinoids of the small intestine. Clinical presentation is otherwise indistinguishable from sporadic carcinoids and includes abdominal pain, flushing, and diarrhea, often becoming manifest only after a long asymptomatic period. Most patients present with low grade tumors. Occurrence of pulmonary carcinoids has also been reported.
Concept inactivation indicator reference set900000000000483008 | obsoleet component | (2024-02-01)
SNOMED CT to Orphanet simple map456333