unilaterale multicysteuze dysplasie van nier (aandoening) |
| unilaterale multicysteuze dysplasie van nier |
| unilaterale multicysteuze renale dysplasie unilaterale MCKD unilaterale multicysteuze nierdysplasie unilaterale 'multicystic kidney disease' eenzijdige multicysteuze dysplastische nier
| Unilateral multicystic renal dysplasia |
| Unilateral MCKD (multicystic kidney disease)
| A rare congenital anomaly in which one kidney is large, distended by multiple cysts and non-functional. Unilateral multicystic kidney disease is typically asymptomatic if the other kidney is fully functional but may occasionally present with abdominal obstructive signs when the cysts become too large. |