tweede vaccinatie met alleen virusachtige deeltjes tegen 'Severe acute respiratory syndrome'-coronavirus 2 (verrichting)
tweede vaccinatie met virusachtige deeltjes tegen SARS-CoV-2
tweede toediening van VLP-vaccin tegen COVID-19
tweede toediening van 'virus-like particles'-vaccin tegen SARS-CoV-2
tweede vaccinatie met alleen virusachtige deeltjes tegen 'Severe acute respiratory syndrome'-coronavirus 2
Administration of second dose of SARS-CoV-2 virus-like particle antigen vaccine
Second dose of 2019 novel coronavirus virus-like particle antigen vaccination
Second dose of 2019-nCoV virus-like particle antigen vaccination
Second dose of 2019 novel coronavirus virus-like particle antigen immunization
Second dose of 2019-nCoV virus-like particle antigen immunization
Second dose of COVID-19 virus-like particle antigen vaccination
Second dose of SARS-CoV-2 virus-like particle antigen immunization
Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus-like particle antigen
Second dose of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus-like particle antigen vaccination
Second dose of SARS-CoV-2 virus-like particle antigen vaccination
Second dose of COVID-19 virus-like particle antigen immunization