aanleggen van anastomose tussen linker arteria thoracica interna en ramus marginalis sinister rami circumflexi van linker coronairarterie (verrichting)
aanleggen van anastomose tussen linker arteria thoracica interna en ramus marginalis sinister rami circumflexi van linker coronairarterie
aanleggen van anastomose tussen linker arteria thoracica interna en ramus marginalis sinister rami circumflexi van arteria coronaria sinistra
aanleggen van anastomose tussen linker arteria mammaria interna en ramus marginalis sinister rami circumflexi van arteria coronaria sinistra
anastomoseren van LIMA en ramus marginalis sinister van ramus circumflexus van linker coronairarterie
Anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery
Anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to OM (obtuse marginal) branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery
Anastomosis of left internal mammary artery to obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery
Anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to OM (obtuse marginal) branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery