progressieve osteonecrose van linker en rechter os lunatum (aandoening)
progressieve osteonecrose van linker en rechter os lunatum
bilaterale Kienböck-atrofie
bilaterale progressieve lunatomalacie
bilaterale ziekte van Kienböck
bilaterale progressieve avasculaire necrose van os lunatum
progressieve aseptische osteonecrose van linker en rechter os lunatum
Progressive osteonecrosis of bilateral lunate bones
Bilateral Keinbock disease
Progressive avascular necrosis of bilateral lunate bones
Progressive avascular necrosis of both lunate bones
Progressive aseptic necrosis of both lunate bones
Clinical courseprogressief
SNOMED CT to ICD-10 extended map
AdviceALWAYS M87.93
CorrelationSNOMED CT source code to target map code correlation not specified