M Morfologie van nieuwvormingen (ICD-O-3.2)!
M800 Neoplasmata, NNO
M8000/0 Neoplasma, benigne
M8000/1 Neoplasma, onzeker benigne of maligne
M8000/3 Neoplasma, maligne
M8000/6 Neoplasma, metastase
M8000/9 Neoplasma, maligne, primaire of secundaire lokalisatie onzeker
M8001/0 Tumorcellen, benigne
M8001/1 Tumorcellen, onzeker benigne of maligne
M8001/3 Tumorcellen, maligne
M8002/3 Maligne tumor, kleincellig type
M8003/3 Maligne tumor, reusceltype
M8004/3 Maligne tumor, spoelceltype
M8005/0 'Clear cell'-tumor, NNO
M8005/3 Maligne tumor, 'clear cell'-type